What is the program schedule?

Day 1: Introductory Overview and Welcome

Day 2: The Pleasure-Freeze Theory 

Day 3: Addressing Cancer As A Metabolic Disease, & The Role Of The Autonomic Nervous System

Day 4: Simonton Cancer Center's New Patient Program in PsychoNeuroImmunology: "Getting Well Again"

Day 5: Dr. Hranicky's Model in PsychoNeuroImmunology & Cancer "The Power of Your Mind in Getting Well"

Day 6: Understanding Who You Are, How to ChargeYour Battery, and How to Minimize Your Unique Patterns of Distress for Optimal Wellbeing

Day 7: Kahler Key To Stress Profile, Used by NASA in The Selection of Astronauts, For Over 20 Years

Day 8: Integrative Holistic Natural Healthcare and Medical Oncology for Superior Results 


What does the program include?

The program features Dr. Galitzer's The Younger You® products, specifically formulated to boost energy and overall well-being. Incorporating these tinctures is expected to significantly improve health.

Our Wellness Therapies cycle through BioEnergy field therapies aimed at enhancing energy and achieving peak health.

Interactive Zoom meetings with health professionals offer insights and answer queries, supporting your journey toward health optimization.

Enjoy personalized care focused on your health, emotional well-being, navigation of the campus, and access to nourishing green drinks.



Where does the program meet?

The program convenes each morning for a 3-hour session in a group setting, under the guidance of Dr. Hranicky.


Can Holistic Health be combined with conventional medicine?

Absolutely. Holistic Health embraces a complementary approach and can be practiced alongside conventional medicine. Integrating different modalities can provide a more comprehensive and well-rounded approach to health and healing. It is important to keep healthcare providers informed about all treatments and medications being utilized.


How long does it take to see results with Holistic Health?

The time it takes to see results with Holistic Health can vary depending on the individual's condition, commitment to the recommended therapies, and overall health. Some people may experience immediate improvements, while others may require longer-term care and lifestyle adjustments. Results are often gradual and can be influenced by various factors, including the complexity of the issues being addressed.


Contact Our Cancer Wellness Team

At the cancer wellness program, we offer holistic health solutions to help you reach your health and wellness goals. Send a message and we'll reply shortly after!

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